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技术嵌入与制度吸纳:提高政府技术治理绩效的运作逻辑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前学界对技术治理研究的框架主要有技术赋权与技术监管、技术生产与技术约束。然而这两种研究视角都将技术治理的治理结构作为主要研究对象,而没有涉及更深层次的从技术治理的制度层面展开研究。基于此,本研究从反思当前我国技术治理绩效提高仍停留于表层的技术手段升级改造,忽略了制度支持在技术治理中的重要作用的事实出发,进而提出一种新的提高政府技术治理绩效路径:技术嵌入与制度吸纳,并分析这一新路径内在逻辑的合理性。最后得出技术治理需要注重技术与制度的动态平衡,促进二者之间的共生发展的结论。  相似文献   
人工智能的潜在威胁已成为人类的一种公共性焦虑,当前的"人类终结论"与"竞速统治论"是这种焦虑的学术确认。然而,不论是人类终结论还是竞速统治论,它们的吸引力都是建立在对科技发展的过高估计与对人类发展的过低估计所构成的巨大反差之上。这类论断既无助于人们客观地看待科技的发展,也无助于人们客观地看待自身的发展。破除这类论断所编织的扭曲图景,需要我们予以追认人类的复杂性,探析其程序化的限度,以及展示人类能力发展的可能空间。  相似文献   
This essay examines the curious relationship between Charles Darwin and the palaeontologist William Boyd Dawkins (1837–1929). Dawkins was a beneficiary of Darwin's patronage and styled himself as a Darwinian to Darwin and the public, yet viciously attacked Darwin and his theory in anonymous reviews. This has confused historians who have misunderstood the exact nature of Dawkins's attitude towards evolution and his relationship to Darwin. The present study explains both the reasons for Dawkins's contradictory statements and his relationship with Darwin. I introduce Batesian mimicry as a conceptual framework to make sense of Dawkins's actions, suggesting that Dawkins mimicked a Darwinian persona in order to secure advancement in the world of Victorian science. Dawkins's pro-Darwinian stance, therefore, was a façade, an act of mimicry. I argue that Dawkins exploited Darwin for his patronage – which took the form of advice, support from Darwin's well-placed friends, and monetary assistance – while safely expressing his dissent from Darwinian orthodoxy in the form of anonymous reviews. This is, therefore, a case study in how scientific authority and power could be gained and maintained in Victorian science by professing allegiance to Darwin and Darwinism.  相似文献   
本文主要对标签本体进行了介绍,并对标签本体与图书分类法进行了比较,指出标签本体与当前图书馆图书资源组织的不同,最后对标签本体在图书馆的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   
殷业 《前沿科学》2014,(4):56-62
人类过去几百万年的进化史,已经充分说明人类作为生物的一分子,同样遵循达尔文的进化理论:物竞天择、适者生存。这种适应环境的自然选择进化在未来的人类进化中还会起作用吗?达尔文的进化理论是否适用于未来的人类?本文将通过详细的分析试图回答这个问题。现在的人类已经知晓设计人类自身生命的蓝图:DNA,并必然会在未来的几百万年中充分利用基因技术服务和改造人类自身,所以适应环境的自然选择进化还会在多大程度上影响人类的进化是一个值得研究的问题。本文中分析了自然进化和人为进化的区别,以及它们各自在人类未来进化中的作用,同时给出了一种未来文明分类标准,提出了智慧文明的局域同步发展说,用这样的学说可以解释为什么人类至今还没有发现外星人。  相似文献   
"人肉搜索"引发的话题常引起网络受众、社会公众的关注,并最终"发酵"而演化为大众媒体关注的焦点和对象。从伦理学角度来探析会发现,同情心是人肉搜索传播行为产生的诱发伦理动因,正义是直接伦理动因。在人肉搜索过程中,要注意正确把握"人肉搜索"传播行为界限,避免正义界限遭到突破而演变为"网络暴力"。  相似文献   
综放工作面生产是地下作业,作业环境差,系统复杂,且作业地点处在不断的变化中,各类事故发生率较高。在人—机—环境系统中,事故的发生都是由人的不安全行为、物的不安全状态和环境的不安全因素造成的,其中,由于人存在个体差异,受其自身及环境的影响,个体具有较大的随意性和偶然性,从而人的不安全行为发生率最高,是导致事故发生的主要因素。在对综放工作面人员失误特点分析的基础上,从人、机、环境三个方面考虑影响人员可靠性的因素,并对影响因素进行量化,建立了综放工作面作业人员的可靠性模型,对控制人为失误,减少事故的发生具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Xia Wu  Lele Xu  Li Yao 《科学通报(英文版)》2014,59(35):5059-5065
The human brain is a huge, complex system generating brain activity. The exploration of human brain function using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a promising method to understand brain activity. However, the complexity of the big data generated by fMRI facilitates the analysis of various levels of human brain activity, such as the distribution of neural represen- tations, the interaction between different regions, and the dynamic interaction over time. These different levels can depict distinct prospects of the human brain activity, and considerable progress has been achieved. In the future, more big data analysis methods combining advances in computer science, including larger-scale computing, machine learning, and graph theory, will promote the understanding of the human brain.  相似文献   
Human β-definsin-2 (hBD-2) is mainly induced by bacterial factors and pro-inflammation mediators in epithelial cells. As the major cause of community-acquired pneumonia, whether Streptococcus pneumoniae (S. pneu-moniae) stimulation induces hBD-2 expression in airway epithelial cells is elusive. In this study, we found that S. pneumoniae stimulation induced hBD-2 expression in a time-and concentration-dependent manner in primary human airway epithelial cells. To further reveal the mechanism of S. pneumoniae inducing hBD-2, we found that S. pneumoniae stimulation activated NF-κB signaling pathway. Specific NF-κB inhibitor, PDTC, could reverse the induction of hBD-2 by S. pneumoniae. We also found that cellular inner Ca^2+ signaling is involved in the S. pneumoniae-induced hBD-2. Taken together, our find-ings indicated that S. pneumoniae can stimulate the expression of hBD-2 in airway epithelial cells and NF-κB and inositol triphosphate-dependent intracellular calcium release is involved in this induction.  相似文献   
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